Emperor Asset Management with EasyEquities want investors to Thrive. We're offering anyone on the new EasyEquities loyalty program, Thrive, the chance to win a massive R500 000 towards their retirement goals.
When it comes to tax-free investing, no tax means no tax, and this is why we will be funding the winners Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA).
The benefits of Tax Free Savings are huge.
We have done a quick summary of what your investment can be worth after investing R33 000 per year for 16 years with a few return assumptions.

A set of Thrive Activities have been set out by EasyEquities, complete them each month and you will pay 0% broker commission on 50 of their biggest and most invested in shares - the Thrive50 shares. The Thrive50 includes local JSE listed stocks and ETFs as well as US stocks and ETFs.
So how and why will the Tax Free Savings account be funded? The R500 000 prize will be deposited and managed by Emperor Asset Management in one of our managed portfolio’s (Bundles) on EasyEquities. You have a R500 000 lifetime limit, and we will, every year, fund your TFSA account with R33 000 until your R500 000 limit has been reached. This means that within a 16 year period, we would have funded and managed your portfolio.
Read more about Thrive by clicking on the below, and read the competition Ts and Cs.

It is time to Thrive with EasyEquities and Emperor Asset Management.