Emperor Blog


No two people are going to want the same investment, risk or goals. We are all different when it comes to our money and how we choose to invest. Emperor Asset Management has provided our investors with managed bundles to cover a wide range of investment needs.

Emperor uses four main themes when creating their managed portfolio’s. Value, momentum, stability and quality. These themes are designed to enhance diversification of your portfolio, generate above market returns and manage risk. Over and above these themes, Emperor uses an investment strategy called quantitative analysis. In short, they look to understand behaviour of the market by using mathematical and data modelling, measurements and research.

Emperor use two main management styles. CORE and ENHANCED.

The Core range of managed portfolios (Bundles) are invested in ETFs (Exchange traded funds) and single stocks that provide great diversification within the portfolio itself. The objective is to provide a passive investment portfolio using the factors (momentum, value, stability and quality), which is still managed, but not to the extent of the Enhanced range. The management fee is also lower at 0.75% per year. These Core portfolios are all available in the EasyEquities ZAR account, Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA), Retirement Annuity (RA) account and there is even a US International portfolio.

The Enhanced range of managed portfolio’s (Bundles) are invested in shares. These companies exhibit the factors of momentum, value, stability and quality. Emperor will be extremely active within these managed portfolios to ensure they adhere to their investment strategy by looking at what their data, analysis and mathematical genius systems tell them - removing any human bias or judgement. The management fee of the Enhanced range is 1% per annum. The Enhanced portfolios are also available in the ZAR account, Tax Free Savings (TFSA) and the Retirement Annuity (RA) account.

Every portfolio carries a different risk number, the higher the number, the higher the risk. It all depends on your needs and how adventurous you are. Getting your own risk number is #Easy with Riskalyze, go on, calculate yours here.

Let’s look at the four different factors (Building blocks) which you can now start to use to build your own managed portfolio. Mix them up or invest in one. It all depends on what you are looking for.

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Building your own portfolio with our building blocks, coupled with the management style's are sure to provide you with your investment perfect investment style.  

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