Emperor has a fantastic range of managed portfolios in all aspects of the investment space. Whether you are looking for a Tax Free Savings (TFSA), ZAR, USD or Retirement Annuity investment solution, we truly have it all.
With our managed portfolios on EasyEquities, it has never been easier to invest in an algorithmic investment style that aims for absolute returns. We look at how the portfolios have performed in March.

Thanks to Emperor’s momentum and value building blocks, our core range of portfolios outperformed the JSE Top40 in the month with lower risk as measured by volatility. Returns range between 1.29% for the most conservative portfolio and 2.66% for the equity only portfolio.
This month Core bundles outperformed the Enhanced bundles due to our share allocation to the financial and consumer discretionary sectors.
Looking offshore, both the ZAR bundle (5.82%) and the USD bundle (1.94) performed better than their benchmarks at 3.59% and 1.79% respectively. You can compare the Income, Conservative, Moderate and Balanced bundles to similar unit trusts.
Happy Investing
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